Sunday, May 24, 2009

6 random things I have noticed about Australia

Although Australia is an English speaking country it is by far the most random country I have ever been to:

1. They are obsessed with meat pies. Everywhere you go they have meat pies on the menu- it's like they think it's a traditional English thing to eat pie, but we don't have nearly as much pie as they do. It's like they're hanging on to a small relic of their ties with England.

2. Their other big food is Schnitzel- I got it confused with Strudel for a long time, so I thought people were ordering an apple pastry, but schnitzel is like breaded chicken, and they have it in sandwiches, as main courses, in fact generally with everything. God knows where they discovered their love for schnitzel, I think it's a rather random trend to follow myself.

3. Everywhere you go you can only get SPF 30 sunscreen. Thank god I'd taken some of my factor 8 with me. Having said that their sunscreen is the cheapest thing on Earth; they even sell it in value squirty litre bottles.

4. Their drinking laws are retarded; they drink more than any other nation on the planet, yet you aren't allowed to drink on the street. What's more, oredering a shot in a bar is a sin.

5. In no other country apart from Australia would you hear adverts for erectile disfunction during the day.

6. Their news is never really news because nothing ever happens- "local lady moves house" is probably the most controversial thing that happens.


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